Who we are

A large collection of beings in one body. We are mixed origin system just living our lives, many are from media sources, or fictives. The body is 19. For more information about each member of the system, please visit the member list or the A-Z directory.

Partner system of the Static System and the Invicta System.

General Rules

Within Our System:
- Respect one another
- Do not harm each other or the body
- Do not harm loved ones of sysmates
- Do not harm others
- Do not pick unreasonable or endangering fights/arguments



In singlet spaces, please refer to us as this.
- Name: Grayson
- Age: 19
- Pronouns: he/they, trans masc
- Sexuality: Queer
- Disabled, chronically ill
- Do NOT out us as plural, let us disclose that information as we choose

Other Socials

Some of us may have other medias to visit. Please visit the A-Z directory for their specific socials. As a collective, we share a twitter, a kin/system instagram, and a system tumblr. Here is our collective kin list.